There is a strong purposeful energy within you, which pushes you to move forward in your choices and decisions. This energy is felt when you desire something strongly, however, we say the energy of wanting and the energy of getting are often in conflict with each other. You may reach and reach in an attempt to grab what you desire, then it often slips right through your fingers. Or maybe you were not even able to grab what you wanted and felt your arms paralyzed to lift them in the direction of your dreams. And still, the Soul is determined to move forward and know Itself. 

When you judge something as offensive and not fit to have, you look away from the learning it brings. See the opportunities of forgiveness, of healing, of compassion, and the many openings for understanding they provide to you. 

This world is only a virtual reality. A series of your mind projections. All these thoughts, all these feelings, that come up for you to ‘deal’ with what seems like problems without solutions are what will have you feeling weak and insecure. When this happens it sets up an opposing force of energy that competes with the flow of Grace and the flow of God energy that comes through you. 

There really is no fearful consequence in looking within. You may discover that what you thought was really big and menacing looks quite different in the Light. Be determined to look at what you have kept hidden, and decide what to do with it. Bring it to your God Self. Meet it, cradle it, bring it up, and give it to the Light of God. When you hand it to the Light and you have the Light shine upon it, there is nothing to be frightened of. What a revelation! 

The Light Group 

As interpreted By Mary Cenci 

(Excerpt from Together I Learn © 2020)
