You are all here together to learn from each other. There are many kinds of people and personalities, and each one is unique in their talents and gifts. Each soul comes into life on this planet with many gifts. You have so much to learn about yourself from each other through all your varied creations of expression. 

All experiences are gifts presented to you on a beautiful carpet. Many of you refuse to accept them, thinking that (person or experience) couldn’t possibly be for you, and turn away, still yearning for something that brings you happiness. The eyes that look upon these gifts have two choices, to see only the wrapping, the container, and how it was brought to them, or use the inner eyes that have greater vision, seeing behind the exterior, beyond the cruel harshness, the diagnosis, the trauma, the hurt and betrayal to the beauty and deeper meaning within. 

As you attract your gifts of life experience, every thought, every word, every action you express in response tells the tale to you and the world what is in need of personal soul healing. All these gifts, and the emotions that arise around them, are not as scary as they may seem. The difficulty lies in thinking that you are all alone. It is a false idea that you are aimlessly traveling through space on this spinning sphere all by yourself until fear and despair overcome you and then your life ends. Nothing could be farther from the Truth! Each soul must do his own work, however since you are connected to all other souls, gifts are everywhere. 

We present you with an invitation to recognize that everything around you is a call to go deeper within. You are capable of making the decision to think something different from the past. To give an experience a new meaning and a new definition will result in an exciting and unlimited perspective. What a discovery to know you have the power within you to make so many healing changes. It was not outside you after all. You can set the intention to be a loving presence to others. All are connected. All is well. You have only forgotten to have appreciation and gratitude for all the opportunities to Love. 

The Light Group

(as interpreted By Mary Cenci) 

Exert from “Together I Learn” copyright 2020