The New You is a marvelous being. This is because who you are has never changed from your Source Essence and is reflected in each cell of your form. The Love that created you is within you and all others. At this root is the longing to know Your Self here as that Essence and is the part of each beat of the heart that propels you forward to recognize this. So there is nothing new about your True Self, however, the way you choose to operate in this world can support this recognition.

Your energetic form is a timeless thread weaving itself into a never-ending fabric that surpasses the illusion of limitation and boundary. You play many roles throughout this life that are defined in a huge variety of ways. These many roles make up the totality of You as you act out the scenes you choose to play. In this moment the New You can remember that there is no one who is not family. All are to be welcomed as family.

The New You anticipates the day there will be no one that uses another in a way that diminishes them or your self. The New You goes beyond just hoping to see a future world of inclusion. The New You in form learns and remembers that everyone comes together for me to learn about myself. The New You extends your hand in loving support to another as you remember a time when you felt lost and rejected. The new you releases everyone, including your self, from the past with forgiveness, trusting there is a larger masterpiece of this life yet unseen.

The celebration, joy, and grand news is that Love needs only to be welcomed. In that awareness is Love recognized as the glue that is present within everything as your True Nature. Practice this and be free from any idea of self-imposed limitations. As you shine your Light you realize in the deepest part of your Being tha all are with you on this exquisite journey of self-discovery. Since the core of your being is Light, you remember that you could never be separate from the stars.

The Light Group

As interpreted By Mary Cenci

(Excerpt from Together I Learn © 2020)