Meet Your Guides and Angels

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Meet Your Guides and Angels


A 30-minute, one-on-one session with Mary where she connects to your Spiritual Helpers, Guides, and Angels.

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Do you want to connect to your Spiritual Helpers, Guides, and Angels?

Do they have the power to help, support, and guide you? 

As your spiritual partners, what can they do and when?  

You don’t have to navigate life’s challenges alone.

You have a team in the spirit realm standing by each moment to assist you. To do this is their joy.

Mary and the Divine Intelligence known as The Light Group will connect directly to your Spiritual Helpers and allow you to: 

  • Meet several of your primary Guides and Angels

  • Clarify how to have a deeper understanding of their role in your life

  • Weave a stronger relationship with them to understand their support and guidance

We all have many spiritual partners that come to help us navigate this life journey. In this meeting, you will get to know a few of the beings that are here to lovingly guide you and how they respond to your every wish. They come to you as Wisdom Guides, Guardians, Relationship Guides, and Healing Guides to name a few. 

Each 30-minute session will give you detailed information that will expand your joy, learning, and awareness that you are never, ever, alone.