You are all here together to learn from each other. There are many kinds of people and personalities, and each one is unique in their talents and gifts. Each soul comes into life on this planet with the bounty of many gifts.

The eyes that look upon these gifts have two choices, to see only the wrapping, the container, and how it was brought to them, or use the inner eyes that have greater vision, seeing behind the exterior, beyond the cruel harshness, the diagnosis, the trauma, the hurt and betrayal to the beauty and deeper meaning within. As you attract your gifts of life experience, every thought, every word, every action you express in response tells the tale to you and the world what is in need of personal soul healing. It could be forgiveness, patience, compassion, courage, strength, or peace.

Gifts are everywhere, but you often choose to pretend you are too busy to notice and you look down and miss them as they go by. To deny these gifts is where resistance, struggle, fatigue, and anxiety take hold. To fight and struggle against the urges to heal and look within is very tiring. You forget that all comes to you with the blessings of your God, the Source of Light and Love, as ultimately you are a gift to your Self.

We present you with an invitation to recognize that everything around you is a call to go deeper within. You are capable of making the decision to think something different from the old thoughts of the past. To give an experience a new meaning and a new definition will result in an exciting, unlimited perspective. When you open to all this without attaching blame, guilt has nowhere to live and set up residence.

Each time you practice compassion and forgiveness of yourself, it begins to unravel the knot of suffering. That load you’ve been carrying for so long begins to lighten when the attitude is changed, and the emotional energy blocks are removed. No matter how confused or upset you are, or how much you think the world has mistreated you, there is always another door to walk through. Be a loving expression to all.

The Light Group

As interpreted By Mary Cenci

(Excerpt from Together I Learn © 2020)